Unique hispanic boy names 2018

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These names have become some of the most common now, and could lead the way to other celebrities' names (soccer players Iker, Sergio). Artists and soccer players have a big influence on baby names, like Gael (Mexican actor Gael Bernal) and Leonel or Leo (soccer player Leo Messi).Italian names like Antonella for girls and Bruno or Alessandro for boys, as well as English names that have the same pronunciation in Spanish and English (Liam, Ian) or are being adapted (Lia for Leah, Eithan for Ethan.).Names inspired by nature, like Luna (Spanish for moon) and Aurora are now very popular.New names are becoming popular for girls ( Julia, Amelia) and boys (Leo, Sergio.).Perhaps that's why many parents explore Spanish boy names to find a meaningful moniker for their child. We see Sophia instead of Sofía, Nathalia instead of Natalia, Ivanna instead of Ivana. Written by shikha thakur, MBA Illustration: MomJunction Design Team Spanish is one of the world's most exquisite and widely spoken languages. Many parents prefer to choose a variation of the name, mostly for the girls.The following new trends may change the most common names lists in the near future:

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